Autocad Install Hatch Patterns

Posted on by admin
  1. Create Autocad Hatch Pattern
  2. Custom Hatch Pattern Autocad

These lines will actually make the pattern which you see in the image above. After adding these lines in the text editor save it as a PAT file using the same name defined in line 1 of this code.In this case, you need to save the file as TESTHATCH.PAT, if you keep a different name for the PAT file then the custom hatch pattern will not work.Let’s deconstruct these lines and to simplify this I have colored the horizontal segment Red and vertical one Green.Now, let’s move back to the Hatch code which I just showed you above. The complete code has three lines with characters in each line separated with commas.Every set of character inside comma has its own meaning and all of these lines will add up to make the complete pattern.

In this case, line 1 will determine name and description of hatch pattern, line 2 is for the horizontal segment of the hatch and line 3 is for the vertical segment.Line 1:.TESTHATCH, Our test hatch with the staircase effectIn this line, the hatch code starts with a star sign followed by the name of the hatch in uppercase. Then we have a description for the hatch separated by a comma. So, essentially the hatch code should start with star sign then name and then description all separated by a comma.Line 2: 0, 0,0,.2.2,.2.2The line 2 is for the Red line shown in this image.Here the first character 0 is for the angle which is 0 degrees which makes the line horizontal.The second and third characters 0,0 are coordinates of the starting points of the horizontal line. In this case 0,0 is not the absolute coordinate rather its an origin assigned by hatch pattern for that particular pattern only.The next characters.2.2 are for the starting point on the next set of the horizontal line with respect to the origin set for the first point.The last two characters.2.2 are for the length of the line segment and gap length.

Hi, There are no hatch patterns included that I know ofWhen you start command HATCH how does your ribbon look like? Can you upload a screenshot?Is there any errormessage coming up when starting the command (it should if AutoCAD does not find it's patterns).If you search for the files ACAD.PAT and ACADISO.PAT, do you find these on your system? If yes, where are they stored?Or have you just missed this click (to get more than 3 patterns displayed):This click:will you show more patterns:- alfred. Hi, No results come up for acad.pat or acadiso.patSeems to be either you have not searched with all options or your Windows profile is defect or your AutoCAD installation is defect. I find the ACAD.PAT in those folders (using Win7 and searching the AutoCAD 2014 ACAD.PAT files, I have installed AutoCAD 2014 German + English language pack):C:Program FilesAutodeskAutoCAD 2014UserDataCachede-deSupportacad.patC:Program FilesAutodeskAutoCAD 2014UserDataCacheen-usSupportacad.patC:Users alfredAppDataRoamingAutodeskAutoCAD 2014R19.1deuSupportacad.patC:Users alfredAppDataRoamingAutodeskAutoCAD 2014R19.1enuSupportacad.patTry to manually step to that folders and see if the files are really missing.

Create Autocad Hatch Pattern


Custom Hatch Pattern Autocad

The orange part is my login-name, so at that postion you have to use your user-name.HTH, - alfred. Hi, Unfortunately, the command does indeed return 'nil'. Is there any way to install hatch patternsWhen you don't find the PAT-files on your disk you might not only install the PAT-files, the complete AutoCAD-installation might be defect and other parts might be missing too.A small chance would be that you have not done the file search correctly PLUS the support paths in AutoCAD are wrong, but the chance to have 2 mistakes coming up is minimal, so I would suggest to do a repair installation of AutoCAD, goto Windows control panel software AutoCAD Add/Remove Features and then you have the chance for the repair.Good luck, - alfred.