Deadly Innocence Scott Burnside Pdf Reader,RE: Electronic Book, 'Bernardo The Scarborough Rapist': SecondEdition (print enabled) now available on the WWW.Keywords: Paul Bernardo, Karla Homolka, Scarborough Rapist,Leslie Mahaffy, Kristen French, Leslie Mahaffy, TammyHomolka, Serial Rapist, Serial Sex-murderOn Christmas Eve of 1990 Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka rapedand killed Karla Homolka's youngest sister, 15-year old Tammy LynHomolka. In 1991, Paul Bernardo abducted a Burlington, Ontario,teenager, 14-year old Leslie Erin Mahaffy. Leslie was heldcaptive in the couple's St. Catharines, Ontario home where shewas repeatedly raped and sexually assaulted by Bernardo andHomolka before being murdered. Following her murder, Leslie'sbody was dismembered, entombed in cement blocks and dropped intoLake Gibson.
Less than two weeks later, as the first of Leslie'sdismembered body parts were discovered, Bernardo and Homolkamarried. In 1992, Paul and Karla Bernardo (a.k.a. The Teale's)abducted 15-year old St. Catharines teenager, Kristen DawnFrench. Kristen was, like Leslie before her, repeatedly rapedand sexual assaulted by the infamous schoolgirl sex-slayers.Kristen was held for three days. When Karla decided the couplemust attend her parent's home for Easter dinner -as an alibi-Kristen was murdered.In 1993 Karla Homolka-Bernardo (Teale) dealt with authorities andsold her cooperation and testimony in exchange for a twelve yearprison sentence for her part in the rapes and deaths of threeteenagers. In 1995 Paul Bernardo was convicted of first-degreemurder for his part in the Leslie Mahaffy and Kristen Frenchslayings.
He was jailed for life.These are the widely know facts about 'Canada's Barbie and KenKillers'. The story of Paul Bernardo, however, before he metKarla Homolka and bodies began piling up, dates back to 1984 whenhis first documented abusive relationship began. Bernardo wenton -beginning with a 1987 random rape- to terrorize residents ofthe Scarborough suburb of Toronto, Ontario.

Robert schimmel unprotected rarity. His reign as thereviled serial Scarborough Rapist lasted three-years.Several books regarding the sex-slayings and the killers havebeen written. Two were the work of hack writer's and containedlittle truth. One, Deadly Innocence, by Scott Burnside and AlanCairns (ISBN 0-446-60154-3, Warner Books) is quite factual andfocuses on the daily lives of Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka. Irecommend it for those interested in the case. An earlier book,written between the Homolka plea-hearing and the Bernardo trial,dealt with cultural issues related to crime in general.
John Barrett Death Penalty
Thesebooks were written and published previous to the dealing ofoutstanding charges against Paul Bernardo in relation to thedeath of Tammy Homolka and to his reign as the serial ScarboroughRapist. Another book surfaced in 1996. It was plagued byfactual errors and, even though published after all outstandingcharges against Bernardo had been dealt with, failed to explorethe early crimes of Paul Bernardo as a serial rapist.In January of 1997, after three-years of research, I published-electronically- and issued a limited release of 'Bernardo TheScarborough Rapist' (BTSR). The Portable Document Format (PDF)book, fully chronicles the crimes of the serial rapist.
Inaddition, 'BTSR' examines the flawed investigations that allowedBernardo's crime spree to continue unchecked until 1993, and, insummary, chronicles all crimes committed by Bernardo and Homolkaand includes information regarding the infamous Homolkapublication ban: 'The Deal with The Devil'.Now, in May of 1993, I am issuing a Second Edition of 'BTSR.' This edition contains updated information on the status ofretired Ontario Provincial Police Officer turned justiceactivist, Gordon Domm, the only Canadian charged and convicted ofviolating the Homolka publication ban. And, updated informationregarding Bernardo's former lawyers who once held the infamous'Bernardo videocassette tapes'.In response to suggestions and requests from readers of the FirstEdition of 'BTSR,' I have removed all security measures andenabled printing functions. While this is a commercial book, itis released, non-crippled, for your downloading and ease ofreading without restriction. Instructions for payment areincluded in the introductory pages. And, if you cannot affordthe low price of three-dollars (Canadian), payment is waived inlieu of a post-card or letter of acknowledgment.To download 'Bernardo The Scarborough Rapist,' and link to thefree PDF reader/printer software, visit (anonymously if you wish)the following URL:Michael WassBernardo Historian/Author13 May 1997.