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I am attempting to execute UFT test cases on a remote machine but it only seems to work when I have an RDP connection open to the remote machine. If I have to open an RDP connection anyway, I might as well go ahead and kick them off directly on the machine.We are tightly integrated with ALM/QC and I have my automated tests in a test set. I would like to open QC (on my laptop), navigate to the test set, Run Test Set, and enter the name of the remote machine (a dedicated 'test runner' machine).
This machine has both QC and UFT installed and options selected to 'allow other HP product to run test'.Unfortunately I get errors saying it can't connect to the remote machine. If I first open an RDP session to this machine, it seems to work.One of our goals is to have automated testers create the UFT tests and add them to the designated test set. Then non-technical users can kick them off from QC at will without needing to really know anything about UFT. We just would like to give them the name of the 'test runner' machine to enter in the correct field and come back later to see the results. Having lots of manual testers RDP into the 'test runner' first is impractical for a variety of reasons.Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.
We also have a lot of RDP clients, on which we schedule and run tests.This is how we are doing it at the moment. We have several PC machines, which we connect to via RDP sessions. On all these we installed Caffeine.exe. Hi,Hope you are doing well.I was searching for information about this and in below link you may find UFT user guide which in page 702 explain how to:Run A GUI Test with a disconnected Remote Desktop ConnectionRelevant for: GUI Tests only This Task describes how to run a GUI Test after disconnecting an Remote Desktop Connection To a computer running UFT. This Enables you to start a test run and disconnect your computer from the UFT computer, enabling the test to run independently while you continue work on your own computer.This docuement explain all the prerequisites and configuration you need to work with RDP.Hope you will find well this information.Regards,” If you find this or any post useful to resolve the issue, please mark this thread as correct answer and other members can benefit with the information given”. HiHope you are doing well.
I would like to include some additional information to the RDP Execution while using UFT, maybe that helps to clarify what happens and how you can solve the issue using the intrusctions of the User Guide (Refers previoius post).Running a UFT script who fails or behaves unexpectedly while no RDP Connection is a known limitation causes by the Operating System. When you Close and RDP Session, it automatically locks the machine and this action disables the GUI and some Windows messages, including mouse and the keyboard messages. Some UFT methods use these system messages to communicate and interact with the application under test and considering they are disabled by the Operating System, UFT will fail the test because is not possible to interact with the AUT.Also, when running the testing tool (UFT) remotely from ALM/QC on a Terminal/Citrix server ( Including Windows Server Environments), there is no problem as long as the machine is logged in. Hello,Just as already explained above, in short, as far as UFT is concerned, the test needs to be started on a loggen-in machine.
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This is a limitation from UFT side. Yes, you, have the option in some cases to then minimize or even disconnect the RDP once the test is started (already described option Allow UFT to continue running GUI or business process tests after disconnection from an RDP computer), but initially the RDP machine needs to be logged-in in order to start the test.I would like to add however the option to run tests stored in ALM using ALM Server-Side execution feature (i.e. Lab management) - this may suit your needs as it does NOT require to manually login/RDP connect to the machine in order to start the test. Basically, Server-side execution enables ALM to run UFT tests on remote hosts at predefined times or on an ad-hoc basis, without anyone logged in to the host to initiate and control the test runs. You will need to enable your ALM for Lab management first. For details regarding this option, please check UFT help documentation Use the UFT IDE UFT Integration With HP ALM ALM Integration Running Tests in Server-Side Execution.
And, discuss it with your ALM administrator.I hope this information helps!Regards,Ana. We also have a lot of RDP clients, on which we schedule and run tests.This is how we are doing it at the moment. We have several PC machines, which we connect to via RDP sessions. On all these we installed Caffeine.exe.
Hi All,We have implemented a solution of running HP UFT GUI tests without using a RDP connection.Steps followed:1. Provision a windows machine and install HP UFT & license using ansible scriptsa) Perform the registry settings for security and authentication (usually the default values work)b) Perform the registry settings for auto login for the userc) Perform machine reboot to trigger the auto logind) Create and trigger a windows stay awake script (may be using vbs, mostly available online)2. Run a jenkins job with the node as Windows machinea) Load the test scripts into the windows machineb) Trigger the HP UFT test scripts using a bat file (sample scripts available in the HP website)3. We can see the results from the jenkins workspace4. We de-provision the windows machines after the test completion.Note:a.
Do not login to the windows user manually which might interrupt the test results.b. N o need for GUI enablement within HP UFTLet me know if you need more information, I am happy to help.!! The opinions expressed above are the personal opinions of the authors, not of Micro Focus. By using this site, you accept the.
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