Systematic Methods Of Chemical Process Design Biegler Pdf Viewer

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.Title.Systematic methods of chemical process design /​ L.T. Biegler, I.E. Grossmann, and A.W. Westerberg.Author.Biegler, Lorenz T.Other Authors.Westerberg, Arthur W.Grossmann, Ignacio E.Published.Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall PTR, c1997.Content Types.textCarrier Types.volumePhysical Description.xviii, 796 p.: ill.; 24 cm.Series.Subjects.Summary.Over the last 20 years, fundamental design concepts and advanced computer modeling have revolutionized process design for chemical engineering.

  1. Carnegie Mellon University
Systematic Methods Of Chemical Process Design Biegler Pdf Viewer

Team work and creative problem solving are still the building blocks of successful design, but new design concepts and novel mathematical programming models based on computer-based tools have taken out much of the guess-work. This book presents the new revolutionary knowledge, taking a systematic approach to design at all levels.Systematic Methods of Chemical Process Design is a textbook for undergraduate and graduate design courses. The book presents a step-by-step approach for learning the techniques for synthesizing and analyzing process flowsheets. The major items involved in the design process are mirrored in the book's main sections: strategies for preliminary process analysis and evaluation, advanced analysis using rigorous models, basic concepts in process synthesis, optimization models for process synthesis and design, and appendices for reference and review.Developed and refined in several courses at Carnegie Mellon, preliminary versions of the book have also been tested in Argentina, Brazil, England, Korea, Norway, and Slovenia.

Systematic Methods Of Chemical Process Design Biegler Pdf Viewer

Exercises at the end of each chapter make it suitable for teaching both undergraduate and graduate courses, or for the working professional who wants to keep up with current methods.Contents.1. Introduction to Process Design.2.

Overview of Flowsheet Synthesis.3. Mass and Energy Balances.4. Equipment Sizing and Costing.5.

Economic Evaluation.6. Design and Scheduling of Batch Processes.7. Unit Equation Models.8. General Concepts of Simulation for Process Design.9.

Process Flowsheet Optimization.10. Heat and Power Integration.11.

Ideal Distillation Systems.12. Heat Integrated Distillation Processes.13. Geometric Techniques for the Synthesis of Reactor Networks.14. Separating Azeotropic Mixtures.15.

Basic Concepts for Algorithmic Methods.16. Synthesis of Heat Exchange Networks.17. Synthesis of Distillation Sequences.18. Simultaneous Optimization and Heat Integration.19. Optimization Techniques for Reactor Network Synthesis.20. Structural Optimization of Process Flowsheets.21.


Process Flexibility.22. Optimal Design and Scheduling for Multiproduct Batch Plants.App. Summary of Optimization Theory and Methods.App. Smooth Approximations for max 0,f(x).App. Computer Tools for Preliminary Process Design.Notes.Includes bibliographical references and indexes.Language.EnglishISBN.Dewey Number.660/​.28Libraries Australia ID.Contributed by Get this edition.

These 7locationsin All:Open to the public001951; 660.28 BIE; ROB; R6Book; IllustratedEnglishOpen to the public1751; 660.28 B586S; HA; GENBook; IllustratedEnglishOpen to the public.b25466197; heldBook; IllustratedEnglishOpen to the public.b25199377; heldBook; IllustratedEnglishOpen to the public97603131; TP155.7.B47 1997Book; IllustratedEnglishOpen to the public49705106; 660.28 48Book; IllustratedEnglishOpen to the public811; 660.28 B586sBook; IllustratedEnglish.

AbstractThis book brings together all the information engineers and researchers need to develop efficient, cost-effective chemical production processes. The book presents a systematic approach to chemical process design, covering both continuous and batch processes. Starting with the basics, the book then moves on to advanced topics. Among the topics covered are: flowsheet synthesis, mass and energy balances, equipment sizing and costing, economic evaluation, process simulation and optimization. The book also covers specific chemical processes such as distillation systems, reactor networks, separation, and heat exchange networks. It shows how to build more flexible processes, including multiproduct batch processes.

The book illustrates key concepts through a running example from the real world: the manufacture of benzene; covers design, economic considerations, troubleshooting and health/environmental safety; and includes exclusive software for estimating chemical manufacturing equipment capital costs. This book will help chemical engineers optimize the efficiency of production processes, by providing both a philosophical framework and detailed information about chemical process design. Design is the focal point of the chemical engineering practice. This book helps engineers and senior-level students hone their design skills through process design rather than simply plant design. It introduces all the basics of process simulation. Learn how to size equipment, optimize flowsheets, evaluate the economics of projects, and plan the operation of processes. Learn how to use Process Flow Diagrams; choose the operating conditions for a process; and evaluate the performance of existing processes and equipment.

Finally, understand how chemical process design impacts health, safety, the environment and the community. Chemical species in mixed waste-solvent streams generated by the pharmaceutical and specialty chemical industry typically form multi-component azeotropic mixtures. This highly nonideal behavior often prevents separation and recovery of solvent.

Carnegie Mellon University

If these problems can be anticipated during process development, modifications in the operating conditions or in the process structure might be sufficient to ease the separation, mitigate the quantities generated, or even eliminate the waste stream completely. This paper presents a general framework for the design of multiproduct batch manufacturing facilities in which solvent use is integrated across parallel processes.

The approach yields the insights required to design the solvent mixtures formed in a batch process. Typical objectives may be to maximize solvent recovery or minimize waste treatment costs. The notion of the composition simplex divided into a series of batch distillation regions has led to the conception of a mathematical programming formulation (as an MILP) which can search for the most favorable batch distillation region subject to design constraints such as reaction stoichiometry.

The approach is applied to a case study. 16 refs., 3 figs. The first handbook to focus exclusively on industrial engineering calculations with a correlation to applications, Handbook of Industrial Engineering Equations, Formulas, and Calculations contains a general collection of the mathematical equations often used in the practice of industrial engineering. Many books cover individual areas of engineering and some cover all areas, but none covers industrial engineering specifically, nor do they highlight topics such as project management, materials, and systems engineering from an integrated viewpoint. Written by acclaimed researchers and authors, this concise reference marries theory and practice, making it a versatile and flexible resource. Succinctly formatted for functionality, the book presents: Basic Math Calculations; Engineering Math Calculations; Production Engineering Calculations; Engineering Economics Calculations; Ergonomics Calculations; Facility Layout Calculations; Production Sequencing and Scheduling Calculations; Systems Engineering Calculations; Data Engineering Calculations; Project Engineering Calculations; and Simulation and Statistical Equations.

It has been said that engineers make things while industrial engineers make things better. To make something better requires an understanding of its basic characteristics and the underlying equations and calculations that facilitate that understanding. To do this, however, you do not have to be computational experts; you just have to know where to get the computational resources that are needed.

This book elucidates the underlying equations that facilitate the understanding required to improve design processes, continuously improving the answer to the age-old question: What is the best way to do a job? Increasing environmental awareness and regulations have placed new requirements on process design for advanced power systems, and increased the need for sophisticated simulation and design tools for examining pollution prevention options. The current research project is designed to address those needs. It builds on an earlier project sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy`s Morgantown Energy Technology Center (DOE/METC) to develop enhanced modeling capabilities built around the ASPEN process simulator used by METC to analyze the performance of advanced power generation systems.

The goals of the current project are to, (1) develop and implement new methodological capabilities in the areas of process optimization and synthesis; (2) develop and implement new performance and cost models of selected processes and process components for advanced power generation; and (3) to demonstrate the application of these new design methods and engineering models in the context of selected advanced power systems of interest to DOE/METC. This Topical Report is one in a series of reports summarizing the results of this project. Sequential modular chemical process simulators, such as FLOWTRAN, ASPEN, or PROCESS have been widely used for the design of new and existing chemical processes. Recently, DOE has begun to use the ASPEN simulator to model advanced energy systems. These flowsheeting programs contain very detailed models for calculating mass and energy balances as well as for sizing and costing.

This report deals with the development of a process synthesis capability built around the sequential modular simulator ASPEN using the mathematical programming approach, which requites the solution of a Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming (MINLP) problem. A user`s manual for the new ASPEN MINLP Process synthesizer is provided in Appendix B. This research is divided into two parts, examining continuous or batch processes. The current work on continuous processes is focused on developing a more general procedure for the systematic synthesis of process flowsheets that will identify the most important process alternatives (including waste minimization alternatives), the dominant design variables, and the minimum energy consumption for each alternative for continuous, vapor-liquid-liquid-solid processes for the production of nonpolymeric materials.

This work is an extension of the hierarchical synthesis procedure previously developed for vapor-liquid processes. A new superstructure for continuous process flowsheets, along with an extended set of rules for the classification of components, with special attention to waste minimization, and solvent selection is described. The work on batch processes is focused on developing new procedures for the design and scheduling of multiproduct batch plants. The approach is based on simulated annealing and the solution of the optimal sequencing problem as well as initial results on the design problem are described in this report.

4 refs., 2 figs., 2 tabs.