Hack Fonera 2100

Posted on by admin

I haven't seen this product mentioned in the forums, but a company called sells a wireless access point that is identical to the La Fonera 2100. They call it the. I got two of them in the mail today and they are identical to the fon 2100's. Here's the kick. By default, SSH is enabled as well as telnet into Redboot. They even mention this on their website so as to allow flashing with other open-source solutions. They deserve major kudos for keeping their hardware open.

  1. Hack Fonera 2100 Download

The basic idea behind their hardware is to create a wireless open mesh. Like the Foneras, they run OpenWRT and broadcast both public and private SSIDs. However, there is no web config utility built into the router.

All configuration is done by using their 'dashboard'. Of course, like their tech support told me, you can run your own local copy of an open source dashboard if you don't want to use theirs. I will be purchasing more units from them shortly. They also have another model which I believe closely resembles the fon+. I have included a few pictures to whet your technolust.So if you've had trouble hacking into the foneras you might want to consider an open-mesh mini router.Forgive me if this sounds like a sales pitch. I'm just excited about finding the hardware.and no I don't work for open-mesh.

Hack fonera 2100 3

I had my eye on those and the Meraki Mini for a while but they hadn't dropped to a reasonable price.Another retailer that specialized in this Acton system-on-chip wireless board was Confero24 but their site seems to be down:It's a nice open alternative to the Fon. I'll have to get one for testing. It looks like it might be closer related to the 2202 (??). I forget the exact model but it's just like the 2100 but with a 7.5 v power supply.What's the voltage on that guy? Does it share the same DC power plug as the fon 2100? Ok, I've had a little time to play with the mini router from open-mesh. I've been able to verify the following:Telnet to RedBoot is open at port 9000 (not sure what the timeout is)SSH is enabled by default.The default kernel already allows for write access to the flash chip and RedBoot configuration.So, after a deep breath I took the plunge.

I started at step 11 of the Jasager install (firmware installation).approx 10 minutes later I had a successful OpenWRT install.Enabled wireless and connected right in.So basically you don't have to worry about revision number, enabling SSH, or patching the RedBoot config and default kernel.Again, I did this on the Open-Mesh mini router model MR3201A-38NQ.Happy haking.! Ok, I've had a little time to play with the mini router from open-mesh.

Hack Fonera 2100 Download

I've been able to verify the following:Telnet to RedBoot is open at port 9000 (not sure what the timeout is)SSH is enabled by default.The default kernel already allows for write access to the flash chip and RedBoot configuration.So, after a deep breath I took the plunge. I started at step 11 of the Jasager install (firmware installation).approx 10 minutes later I had a successful OpenWRT install.Enabled wireless and connected right in.So basically you don't have to worry about revision number, enabling SSH, or patching the RedBoot config and default kernel.Again, I did this on the Open-Mesh mini router model MR3201A-38NQ.Happy haking.!Thanks so much for taking the time to make a post about this! I just asked about the PicoStations in another thread and this is great to see!!!