Dvshade Easy Looks Serial Mom
For many years RA was treated with cortisone or another steroid. The medical profession thought it was a wonder drug until studies found the harm in over usage. Once people were treated over a long period of time, their bodies had developed a dependency and were often left on the drug. Damage had already been done. Kathleen definitely has the steroid bloated look to her. My mother was treated with steroids for lupus and had the steroid bloating as well as considerable weight gain. Kathleen also had a drinking problem that helped contribute to her current appearance.
Given all that she has survived, she looks pretty good. By Anonymousreply 24. I doubt she has used steroids in quite some time to treat her RA. There are much better and more effective options. My guess is she mostly just eats too much- she is prone to compulsive behavior (alcohol issues) so it's perfectly possible. Not all movie stars maintain that movie star look and go the plastic surgery route.
If you are young OP, you will have friends who gain significant weight as they age, and those who do not, and everything in between. By Anonymousreply 25. quoteRheumatoid arthritis is awful. The illness itself causes unattractive physical changes to the body, and on top of that the powerful steroid drugs used to treat it cause even more unattractive physical changes.
And of course the person is in constant pain.I don't know if I should use the word 'lucky' to describe anything to do with it, but we are at least fortunate that we are in an age where there are lot of treatment options, of which there weren't nearly as many when Kathleen was diagnosed. And it fucking sucks, and it still hurts when I get out of bed in the morning, but apart from some pretty significant damages to one of my hands, it's been manageable.
By Anonymousreply 55. quoteI have a friend over 60 with RA for years who has done really well with excellent medical care and exercise -she looks nothing like Turner, who looks like a lot of her change is due to alcohol bloat.RA hits every sufferer differently.
Some people have one really bad flare and then go into remission for a long time. Some have flares and remissions frequently.
10 Easy Mom Outfits
Some people flare and never quite get to remission. I've never really been all the way in remission, although my rheumatologist tells me mine has been 'quiet' for the length of time she's known me. I think I've had two or three really bad flares in 16 years, so I think I've done okay. By Anonymousreply 70. Ironic that I read this post yesterday and while perusing a book store, came across her book (image below). She is open, honest, funny, friendly, quirky, and someone you could have a bottle of wine with and not even want to interrupt her to speak. I like a passage of the interviewer telling her of a woman who called her 'my hero' for how she got through the trauma of RA.
Dvshade Easy Looks Serial Mom 2
Dvshade Easy Looks Serial Moms
I can't remember the exact phrase she used, but it was obvious that Kathleen was touched to the point of realizing that she has really made an impact on somebody's life as a human being. I saw her on Broadway in 'The Graduate' and 'Virginia Woolf', and hope to see her again. There is a beauty in her that defies age, and I don't care about her reputation as being difficult. She put quality and passion into her work, knows that she has passed the icon stage, but can now move onto character actor work which she states she loves. By Anonymousreply 102.
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