Create Projector Adobe Director Lingo
Dean's Director FAQ - PROJECTORSAnother FAQ exists atwhichis new and extensive.Projectors and Display OptionsQuestion: What is a stub projector and why should I use one?Answer:A stub projector is a projector (Director made self executable)that simply calls an external Director movie (DIR or DXR). The externalmovies contain all the content and thereby simplifies development. The stubmovie sets up the Stage size, location, background colour and contains abehavior in the first frame opening the first movie similar to:on exitFramego to movie 'FirstMovieName'endThe resulting stub projector will be small in file size so will start quicker.A projector can open DIR files or DXR files (protected movies).
Create Projector Adobe Director Lingo Free
Vipre internet security 2013 pc lifetime crack cocaine free. An applicationmade of many small files rather than few large ones is better for memorymanagement.A stub projector is also useful for making cross platform CDs where thedata is shared but only need the front end projector is specific for eachOS. Stubs are the most efficient way to start any Director presentation.See my for detailed information.For other information, look at orBlack BorderQuestion: How do you get rid of the black border around the Stagewhen playing a movie as 'full screen'?Answer:1) From D10+, Director has the capabilityto remove the black border. In the Display Template, you can set the Borderproperty to None.For Director MX (v 9) or earlier:1) With an XtraThe allowsyou to create a projector window of a non-rectangular shape with no border.So, what you do is create a small movie, 1 pixel by 1 pixel in Stage sizewith whatever colour you want for your background. Then, you use that movieto open a MIAW using the Winshaper Xtra to define the outline of the window.This Xtra is available at.There's another Xtra called the that removes the border.2) Using a bitmap to define the outline of a MIAWYou can use an undocumented feature using a 1 bit bitmap to define yourMIAW, following a similar process to the one I suggested using the WinShaperXtra.