Age Of Mythology Gold Edition Language Pack
Check with Event Viewer, but I guess you are having the same problem as myself and a number of others.It's the fact that Windows 10 doesn't come with SECDRV.SYS driver, and the one that comes with the game is a 32-bit driver that isn't signed and won't work. This driver is part of the copy protection mechanism on AOM and other games.The driver was provided with Win 8.1 64 bit, which is why it worked on that platform.Which all together means that AOM (and other games that use the same copy protection technology) can't work on Windows 10 until Microsoft provide a compatible driver.To the best of my knowledge, there is as yet no statement as to whether it will ever be supported. Thank you for posting your concern here in Microsoft Community and welcome to the Windows 10 family.From the description provided, I understand that you are unable to launch the game.I would suggest you to disable all non-Microsoft services and not necessary startup apps and see if any third party applications are arising the issue. Please follow the below steps.1.
Age Of Mythology
To disable all non-Microsoft services consult the article calledClean Boot.Follow:Note: After troubleshooting, refer to this section 'How to reset the computer to start normally after clean boot troubleshooting'Disclaimer: A clean boot is performed to start Windows by using a minimal set of drivers and startup programs. This helps eliminate software conflicts that occur when you install a program or an update or when you run a program in Windows. You mayalso troubleshoot or determine what conflict is causing the problem by performing a clean boot. You must log on to the computer as an administrator to be able to perform a clean boot. Your computer may temporarily lose some functionality when you perform aclean boot. When you start the computer normally, the functionality returns. However, you may receive the original error message, or experience the original behavior if the problem still exists.
If the computer is connected to a network, network policy settingsmay prevent you from following these steps.2. To disable any 3 rd party unwanted startup programs in Windows 8 and above, follow:(Applies to Windows 10 as well)Additionally, I would also suggest you to check for the compatibility of the game for Windows 10 from the below referred link.Kindly keep us posted on the status of the issue. If it still persists, we would be glad to assist you further.Thank You. The result is the same after a clean boot.There are three events associated with the game not starting, on each occasion:Event ID 7000The SecDrv service failed to start due to the following error:This driver has been blocked from loadingEvent ID 1060The description for Event ID 1060 from source Application Popup cannot be found.
Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the local computer.If the event originated on another computer, the display information had to be saved with the event.The following information was included with the event:??C:WINDOWSSysWow64driversSECDRV.SYSthe message resource is present but the message is not found in the string/message tableEvent ID 7000The SecDrv service failed to start due to the following error:This driver has been blocked from loading. I don't know much about computers.I just really like to play games like age of mythology, age of empires, zoo tycoon, roller coaster tycoon, and red alert series. My gf and I upgraded to Windows 10 but am unable to get any of the discs to load. Got redalert 2 to load, it said incompatible; did the trouble shoot guide but didn't fix it. I uninstalled it then went to reinstall, a message popped up to input my admin password to allow the set up to take place, after hitting enter the disc sounded like it wasloading but nothing would happen.Suggestions????Do I need to uninstall Windows 10 and bring back my Windows 7?
Age Of Mythology Error Loading En-language.txt Fix
If so, how do I do that? Please help, I'm a dumb blonde:).