Cks Serial Episode 100 Mlp

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08x07 - Horse Play'The 1,111th year anniversary of when you first raised the sun!' That's a pretty specific timeline reference, rather than the more general 'over a thousand years' that we normally get. Interesting.Also, nice to see you again, Princess Celestia!' Good thing Pinkie Pie reminded us or we would have forgot to celebrate.' Pinkie's files are extensive.' To commemorate your first sunrise, I've written a play.

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We'd like to perform it at my School of Friendship, if you don't mind.' Oh, I'm going to like this episode. It remembers the School is a thing, is giving us backstory development on a longstanding character that may answer some questions fans have had for a long time, and it has shades of 'Hearth's Warming Eve'? Did she just prance?' And there's the excitable and fun-loving Princess Celestia that's always a joy to have around. Because she's a fun-loving troll who only maintains the veneer of regalness when she has to, out of obligation.'

I've always believed theater brings out the best of us and forges a special bond of friendship.' I didn't know you used to act!' She's always acting, Twilight. Public speaking and theater are sister vocations to one another, and getting good at one of them usually helps with the other. They're not identical skillsets, mind you.

But they share a lot in common.' I was always too busy with my magic lessons to be part of any plays myself. But still, it's something I've always wished I could experience.' PRINCESS CELESTIA SLICE OF LIFE EPISODE. DOOOOO IIIIIIIIT.'

Princess Celestia, we would be honored if you would be the star of our play!' PRINCESS CELESTIA SLICE OF LIFE EPISODE IS A GO. PRINCESS CELESTIA SLICE OF LIFE EPISODE IS A GO.Oh, man. This is going to end badly.

One of the most fundamental skills in drama is learning to set aside ego and allow yourself to be presented in a light that may not necessarily be optimal to how you want to be seen. This is so much harder to do when you're playing a character that's meant to be you. You are not a good role for a learner to play, because it's much more difficult to be impartial and unbiased about the character.Twilight's heart is in the right place, but this is a bad idea.' Wait, what?!' What he said!' How are we supposed to give her directions? She's the ruler of Equestria!'

Also a good point.' She's also our friend. Celestia's always kind to everypony so if we have a chance to finally do something to her, we should.' You, Twilight, are biased as Celestia feuded with her sister over petty bickering, regularly trolls the Grand Galloping Gala, and one time pointedly contemplated a fork because she couldn't deal with your face anymore. She tends to be passive-aggressive rather than directly confrontational, but she is not the beacon of purity and goodness that you think she is.' Yes, Princess Celestia?'

Right now, in this very moment, she violated the social contract of the request, 'Would you excuse us?' That is not a sign that she'd be particularly inclined to listen to stage directions or instructions she did not personally agree with.' I have no acting experience at all.' You'll be playing yourself!' See above, re: playing yourself is actually a terrible role to learn how to act with.'

It would mean so much to the students if you were in our show.' And just like that, Twilight has successfully self-defeated. The purpose of inviting Princess Celestia is because she wanted to do something nice for Celestia.

Now she's guilt-tripping Celestia into going along with it, which means it is no longer a nice gesture for Celestia. This is not consent, Twilight.◊'Confetti is ready.' There's Pinkie's gravity manipulation again. Blasted herself into the air with her party cannon, floated down harmlessly with an umbrella. Pinkie Pie has never been in danger from fall damage and never will be.Also, I love how pissed off Applejack is at getting covered in confetti.'

Wormy apple cores, Pinkie!' There were lots of real southern exclamations you could have used here. This just sounds lame next to AJ's typical fare.'

I can't believe you've memorized your lines already, Fluttershy!' She's a media nerd. She was born for this.' Once you get past terrifying, paralyzing stage fright, the rest is easy.' One might be inclined to ask when she actually got over her stage fright, since 'Filli Vanilli' asserted that she's still uncomfortable performing in front of a crowd even though she enjoys it, and needs 'baby steps'.One would be wrong.

Fluttershy performed in 'Hearth's Warming Eve' just fine. She wasn't too petrified to run away and hide there; she played her role and it was good. So, the question then is, why is she okay with performing in theater plays but has so much trouble singing?Well, 'Fake It Til You Make It' seems to answer that just fine. An effective coping mechanism for Fluttershy's social anxiety is having an escapist personality. A separate character that she can dive into and hide herself in. Playing a role allows her to distance herself - see above, re: separating one's pride and ego from teh role - and immerse completely in somepony else.I said in that episode's review and I'll say again here: Fluttershy belongs on a stage.' As soon as she sees these fabulous costumes, all she'll be able to say is, 'Brava!'

Those shitty rags are Rarity-made costumes? Really not bringing your A-material to this, are you, Rares?'

This is huge!' I love how mad AJ is. Apart from Rainbow Dash, everypony else is bothered. Rarity's nervously looking around like, 'I'm not the only pony who thinks this is a bad idea, right?'


But AJ has a look that as, 'This is a huge decision that is going to change everything and you did not discuss it with me before making it.' I MUST FIND THE SILK!!!' That said, Rarity is the best part of the immediate reaction, because we got to watch her slowly realize just how much she'd half-assed the costumes for this thing.'

I gotta tell everypony I know! AND EVEN THE ONES I DON'T!!!' SONIC RAINBOOM. IT EXISTS AGAIN.' Those were formal things! Galas, world-saving.

This is different!' Shut your horse mouth and go away, Starlight Glimmer. You, of all ponies, have no room to be star-struck about Celestia and Luna. Your heretical lack of f.cks to give is the reason why you were chosen for 'A Royal Problem'. Once again, we see the problem with Starlight: she has long outlasted her usefulness as a character, and is now just here to remind us that she exists.' That's different. You're not a princess princess.'

Oh my god, they actually said it. A character unambiguously stated in the show that Twilight doesn't really count.

Does somepony from Hasbro read these reviews or something?' Aw, quit frettin'. It's only a couple of pals getting' together to put on a One's-versary play.

What could go wrong?' Applejack's doing that 'Supportive Girlfriend Hates Your Life Choices' thing again. She did this back in 'All Bottled Up', where everypony was upset about Twilight's getaway when they first learned of it, but AJ was all, 'Come on, y'all, let's give Twilight's f.ckstupid idea a chance!' And then they all got into it, but she just spent the game following Twilight around and watching her solve puzzles. 'Twilight, can you help me? Moving a panel from a wall is so difficult.'

Yeah, she's doing that here. She was clearly, visibly livid when Twilight announced this, but instead of actually voicing her frustrations like all the others are doing, she's just like, 'Come on, y'all! So Twilight ruined everything and doomed us all! We're still onboard with whatever makes her happy, right?'

Enjoy it while you're in public, Twilight. Somepony's sleeping on the couch tonight.' 'Directed, written, and produced by Twilight Sparkle.' Spike, you know better than that. Twilight didn't do all of this for nothing. You need to validate the narcissist.'

It took five great sorcerers plus Star Swirl the Bearded to do it!' So, I guess that means Star Swirl counts for five unicorns?I like that. I've mentioned in the past that I hate how Star Swirl's presentation in this series feels like he overshadows Celestia and Luna when he comes up. Being a great wizard, I'm fine with. Being Celestia and Luna's teacher is cool.

But having created the Tree of Harmony was something I found really obnoxious, because it completely overshadows anything Celestia and Luna have ever done and makes all of the great magic in the setting revolve around him.But this makes me feel better, because it re-establishes the power dynamic. That Star Swirl was only able to cast a portion of the sun moving spell confirms in no uncertain terms that Star Swirl may have taught the Royal Sisters, but their magic has far exceeded his.

'Shadow Play' can still bite me, but this was needed.' Soon Equestria would lose all of its magic-users and then the last would be covered in darkness for all eternity!' Because this has always bothered me. If unicorns lose their magic from trying to cast the sun spell, that kinda just moves the goalposts on the question of how the sun was moved before Celestia. This exacerbates that issue by pointing out that having unicorns do it was an unsustainable model.

Why did they need to start doing it in the first place?If relying on unicorns is unsustainable, then what previously sustainable method was the sun raised by before the unicorns started doing it, and why did that method end? Something had to change in order for Equestria to start expending all of its unicorns like this in the first place.' A student named Celestia discovered that she had the power to raise the sun herself, without draining her magic!' What, that's it? That's the big answer to how Celestia started doing it? She was just naturally gifted?

I hope you've got more for me, episode, because that is the stupidest answer you could provide and counteracts what I just said about the Royal Sisters surpassing Star Swirl. If we're seriously going with 'Celestia's important because she was just born special, I guess!'

I might have to throw someone.' It is time for a new day in Equestria.' Acting is a skill, yo. Lesson one: projection. Fun fact: this is one that I actually have trouble turning off.

I developed a stage voice from my years of theater, and now I struggle with not being audible from the back row when trying to converse in every day life.' IT IS TIME FOR A NEW DAY IN EQUESTRIA.' Hey, nice to see that Celestia has one of those too.' A bit more energy.' 'Honestly—' 'GREAT! It's hard to believe you've never done this before!'

◊'I think we have a problem!' Okay, to be fair, the horrible acting is Celestia's fault but the hat toss was just an unfortunate accident. That could have happened to anypony. Maybe put a wall up in front of the levers or something.' If we shut it down—' 'Nopony will ever miss it!' Spike, you aren't allowed to write episode morals anymore. 'Everything is terrible!

What should we do?' 'Give up on our dreams, embrace failure, and settle into a life of complacent mediocrity?' No, but seriously, I'm getting shades of 'The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000' here.

'Dear Princess Celestia: I didn't learn anythin'! I was right all along!'

The correct thing to do in this situation is to Keep Calm and Listen to Applejack.' I just finished telling everypony to come to our play!' And, amazingly, we managed to have a complete rehearsal without anypony even noticing that you were gone.

So, Rainbow Dash is really here just for moral support, isn't she?' Twilight, you know truth is a huge part of friendship.'

'And so is making another pony's dreams come true.' It's not, actually. It's actually not. Supporting them and helping them to achieve their own dreams is a huge part of friendship, but what you're doing here, Twilight? It's bad for the endeavor you're working on and it's bad for the person you've put into a position they're woefully unqualified for and guaranteed to draw scorn from trying to perform.Everyone else involved in this project is suffering because you've given a critical task to a pony who is completely unqualified to perform it.

But nopony is allowed to actually be surprised by this because it's literally how every single member of your Friendship School was hired so.Twilight Sparkle: Princess of Nepotism.' To take your performance from good to flawless!' Twilight's nose is stuffed so far up Celestia's rump that she can see the sun. This, again, is why Starlight got picked for 'A Royal Problem'.'

Otherwise known as improvisation!' She is nowhere near ready for this.' We can start as soon as we get out of this box.' This isn't improv.

This is mime. You hired mimes. There is a special circle of Hell reserved for people who encourage mime.'

It was the perfect substitute.' Good news, the second fake sun buried itself with the first fake sun so there's no extra effort on anypony's part.' But I don't see anything.' Princess Celestia is making the actor in me cry.' Let's be weeping willows in the wind!' You laugh, but at an audition, I once had to play 'The color brown, but dyslexic'.'

My love for Equestria and all of the ponies in it!' This is actually progress, at least. She's worked out the concept of expressing emotion through performance.Oh, god. Celestia is so screwed.' So there's only one thing to do!' 'Tell her the truth finally?' Twilight has arrived at Maximum Neurotic, guys.

Stop her now before she progresses into Lesson Zero.' I've rewritten the script to give Celestia a more artistic part! With no lines.' We are at Lesson One-Half, guys.

Off the deep end, not quite at the bottom yet.' Why would untested magic fireworks that I bought in a back alley from Trixie at midnight be unsafe?' In fairness to Trixie. Fireworks are supposed to fire off and explode. So, really, this complete disaster does not reflect poorly on her in the slightest, because her product did exactly what was advertised.It's Pinkie Pie who f.cked up.'

I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!! IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A SIMPLE PLAY!!! JUST ONE SIMPLE PLAY!!!' And there's Lesson Zero.' RIGHT DOWN TO THE WORST. IN EQUESTRIA!!!' Celestia's right behind her, isn't she?Oh.

She's backstage, where Twilight is still audible because the stage is made of fabric and cardboard. If you honestly felt I was a bad actress, why didn't you tell me?' 'I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to insult your acting!' That is not what she criticized you for, Twilight. The brown-nosing is strong with this one.'

I'm upset because in all the time we've known each other, I thought I'd taught you about the importance of friendship, trust, and honesty.' I didn't learn anythin'! I was right all along!Yeah, AJ and Celestia both deserve an apology from Twilight.

Celestia for being lied to, AJ for being repeatedly ignored when she was right.' You go find Celestia. We'll figure out a way to stall this thing until you get back!' You really are the best secondary leader a team could ask for.' No pony, indeed.' Oh my god, really?

They sent Spike out there to do this? He didn't do anything wrong! He does not deserve this!' I know what I did was wrong.

I should have told you the truth.' I feel like you only know that because Celestia yelled at you about it five minutes ago, so like, does this really count as learning something? Twilight was already trying to apologize before; she's just recalibrating her apology now to accomodate the new information she's received.This really feels more like an obligatory 'I'm sorry you felt hurt by my actions,' apology than a sincere 'I'm sorry for the wrong things that I did,' one.'

You know that the truth is always better than a well-meant lie. Didn't Applejack remind you?' 'About a hundred times.' I mean, if I'm being completely honest, you're not an actress.' No, but I bet you she can do some pretty killer special effects to replace your fake sun. If you know what I'm saying.' No, but I am a Princess.'

If you know what I'm saying.Actually, wait, it's night time right now. It would probably not be a good idea to mess up the day/night cycle just for the sake of a play. Especially one that's just about Celestia and makes no mention of Luna. Especially with Luna in the front row.' Fluttershy will be our new lead.' I am 100% onboard with this decision! And having Celestia be the director is a much better decision than my effects idea.

The moral of the story is that the only thing they really needed to do in order to make this play work out is fire Twilight.' You call those great sorcerers?!' What should we do?!' The story of his life.' We play charades.'

She did go with my plan to use the real sun as the fake sun. Man, Celestia is never going to hear the end of this from Luna. This is why Nightmare Moon happened. This is exactly why Nightmare Moon happened.' I had no idea this production would have such elaborate special effects!' Now put it back, Celestia.'

Judging by how many flowers the audience threw, it seems the play was a success.' Yeah, about that. I want to know who was passing out produce to chuck at the stage? Who heard that Princess Celestia, the ruler of all Equestria, would be appearing in a stage performance and went, 'You know what we need? Tomatoes to throw. Cart up a few crates, we'll see if anyone else wants to lob produce at Her Majesty's Royal Play.' I mean, they wound up being thrown at Spike, but why bring them in the first place?'

Thank you for saving our play, Princess Celestia.' Indeed, thank you. Because without that sun effect, wow, people would have been upset that they came all the way out here for this shit.

It was like ten seconds long. As a celebration for Celestia's history, this play sucked.' I had so much fun tonight that I've decided to give up my crown, step down from the throne, and devote all of my time to the theater!'

This episode would not be complete without Trollestia freaking everypony out for the lulz.Alright, so let's start by talking about the backstory for the Royal Sisters that was revealed in this episode.Ahem.It sucked.There we go! That's all the time we have for Royal Sister backstory because we have more important things to talk about. This was a really fun episode with a pretty good lesson about the importance of being honest and open even with the people you revere. Starlight was a useless pop-in who didn't really contribute anything other than reminding us that she existed and none of the school kids even so much as got a line, presumably because their actors aren't contracted for enough episodes to justify actually including them.Probably the same reason why Silver Stream was snubbed from 'Surf and/or Turf'.That said, the effort to incorporate the school was still there, so the episode gets points from me on that. Celestia's acting failures were a lot of fun and bring back a lot of memories, so this episode wound up being tremendously relatable to me. And, of course, Applejack's prominence in what is otherwise a Twilight and Celestia episode made me very happy, because of course it did. So, all in all, I'd say this episode was a lot of fun.

One of the season's better, definitely.And there wasn't even a weirdly racist moment! Score!Drake's Razor: Never attribute to cold unfeeling logic that which can be equally explained by emotional outburst. Sorry for the double post.Upon reflection, I'm not as upset about the episode's assertion that Celestia moving the sun is, like, her Cutie Mark talent or something and not a great feat of magical prowess that she learned to do through years of study and/or her ascension.I thought this was going to bother me more, but it really doesn't. The main reason for it is something I've argued in the past: yes, Celestia knows magic, but being a magic pony isn't really what she's about. Celestia's whole thing is leadership. That's what makes her a great character: her ability to inspire, to make snap decisions and take control of an ugly situation. She is a politician, the ruler of Equestria, first and foremost.The magic is secondary to her role as Equestria's Mom.

And that was on full display in this episode. Sure, her backstory sucks, but it was introduced so half-assedly as if to say, 'Yeah, whatever, here's the origin of her magic. But nobody f.cking cares about that because IT'S TIME FOR FUN-LOVING FREE SPIRIT YET ALSO ACE POLITICIAN CELESTIA, WHOO!!!' The episode's not really interested in talking about how Celestia learned to move the sun, because it's ultimately a very minor and barely-relevant aspect to her identity and personality.

This episode was all about Celestia the Person and not the world and lore surrounding Celestia the Sun Alicorn.edited 29th Apr '18 6:02:12 PM by TobiasDrakeDrake's Razor: Never attribute to cold unfeeling logic that which can be equally explained by emotional outburst. I knew the thing about the coalition of unicorns raising the sun and exhausting their magic was a thing before. Though, the way I heard it, it was ten unicorns, not five plus Star Swirl. Hence my remark about him counting for five unicorns.The part about Celestia just waking up one morning and being like, 'I can move the sun on my own! Because reasons!' Was new to me.That said, I'm not sure how much credit to actually give the play's version of events, given that it contradicts itself. They first say it was Star Swirl and five 'great sorcerers'.

Then they say that every day, the unicorns lose the ability to use magic forever, and soon Equestria will run out of magic-users.So, which is it? Are they great sorcerers or are they whatever unicorns haven't already been expended yet?Drake's Razor: Never attribute to cold unfeeling logic that which can be equally explained by emotional outburst.

On a different subject about Celestia, I re-watched 'A Royal Problem' yesterday and I thought of something. If Celestia used a 'keep fresh' spell (if one exists) or just put the pancakes in the fridge (those do exist in the show) for later, then Luna would be able to better enjoy Celestia's pancakes for when she actually first wakes up and would be having breakfast in the evening.On the other hand, even if she doesn't usually notice it, the calming lavender Luna puts out would have been helping Celestia too while she sleeps.Also, I checked my 'Journal of the Two Sisters' book and the story in the play is only part of what is described there. First, the play completely leaves out Luna's part, because she also lowered the Moon for the first time at the same time that Celestia raised the Sun for the first time. Second, that was when Celestia and Luna got their cutie marks. And three, it mentions that because Celestia and Luna were born alicorns, there were in-universe myths that for alicorns, raising and lowering the Sun and Moon would actually rejuvenate them or at least would not drain them in the same way that it did to ordinary unicorns.edited 30th Apr '18 4:53:22 AM by Rainbow. Also, I checked my 'Journal of the Two Sisters' book and the story in the play is only part of what is described there. First, the play completely leaves out Luna's part, because she also lowered the Moon for the first time at the same time that Celestia raised the Sun for the first time.

Second, that was when Celestia and Luna got their cutie marks. And three, it mentions that because Celestia and Luna were born alicorns, there were in-universe myths that for alicorns, raising and lowering the Sun and Moon would actually rejuvenate them or at least would not drain them in the same way that it did to ordinary unicorns.Being born alicorns could at least cover the issue of, 'I can just do it because reasons.'

But then you run into continuity problems with Flurry Heart being the first pony ever to be born an alicorn in Equestria.Unless Celestia and Luna come from beyond Equestria's borders as some have speculated, but then you run into issues of, like, who's giving birth to alicorns outside of pony lands? The hippogriffs? The parrots?Much like the problem of unicorns expending their magic being a that shifts the goalposts rather than a legitimate answer, I feel like the more information we get about where Celestia and Luna came from, the less that information actually explains.edited 30th Apr '18 9:27:18 AM by TobiasDrakeDrake's Razor: Never attribute to cold unfeeling logic that which can be equally explained by emotional outburst. That helps.If they develop that, it could answer the problem too. 'So, how was the sun being moved before the unicorns nearly exhausted their population of magic-users trying to do it themselves?

Well, one of those alicorns was probably doing it, but then something happened to her. The unicorns were a stop-gap measure until another alicorn could take up the responsibility.' Something like that might work.Of course, then you have the problem of who was moving the sun before that alicorn or those alicorns or whatever, but that can be turtles all the way down. Alicorns have always done it since Insert Creation Myth Here.The main problem with the the unicorn thing is specifically that they frame it as a crisis. It's coded like an emergency response, not a typical way of life. This automatically raises the question: what were they responding to, which is why I said it's a answer.

Had either of the following been in the story:. Raising the sun does not expend the unicorns' magic forever. The point is just that Celestia can do the work of ten unicorns. Raising the sun does expend the unicorns' magic, but over a long enough period of time that, accounting for reproduction, it's feasible for them to have always been doing it this way.It wouldn't have been an issue.edited 30th Apr '18 9:45:02 AM by TobiasDrakeDrake's Razor: Never attribute to cold unfeeling logic that which can be equally explained by emotional outburst. This is going to be on my mind all day.That could be a really interesting premise to explore. Like, one day, the sun just stopped moving, because whoever was moving it had passed away or something. The world flies into a panic.

Creatures all across the planet in every nation try to figure out what to do about the sudden stillness of the solar and lunar cycles.And then one day, it starts moving again. The ponies of Equestria led by the great sorcerer Star Swirl the Bearded are the first to figure out a brute-force solution to the problem of the solar stillness, but it's not one that's going to last.Meanwhile, a group of alicorns who actually knew what the problem was look up and are like, 'Uh, girls? The sun's moving. Are we doing that? I don't think we're doing that.'

So they set out across the world to figure out who's moving the sun and how they're doing it, and to try and incorporate that into their fix.That'd be an awesome prequel. Hasbro, get on that?EDIT: Unless the Journal already covers that or contradicts it or something. In which case, ignore me.edited 30th Apr '18 9:48:10 AM by TobiasDrakeDrake's Razor: Never attribute to cold unfeeling logic that which can be equally explained by emotional outburst.

'My Little Pony episodes' redirects here. For other uses, a 2010 Canadian-American animated television series developed. The show premiered on the launch of The Hub in the United States on Sunday, October 10, 2010. All episodes are 22 minutes long and a season comprises 26 episodes, with the exception of Season 3, which contained 13 episodes. My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic is produced by in the United States and in Canada. In the United States, the series is rated.Overall, two TV specials and 222 episodes have aired over nine seasons, concluding the series. Main article: No.overallNo.

Main article: No.overallNo. Main article: No.overallNo. InseasonTitleDirected byWritten byOriginal air dateUS viewers(millions)921' (Part 1)(co-directed by Jim Miller)Story by:Teleplay by: Scott Sonneborn andApril 4, 2015 ( 2015-04-04)0.51932' (Part 2)Jayson Thiessen (co-directed by Jim Miller)Story by: Meghan McCarthyTeleplay by: Scott Sonneborn and M.A. LarsonApril 4, 2015 ( 2015-04-04)0.57943'Castle Sweet Castle'Jim MillerJoanna Lewis and Kristine SongcoApril 11, 2015 ( 2015-04-11)0.42954'Bloom & Gloom'Jim MillerJosh HaberApril 18, 2015 ( 2015-04-18)0.54965'Tanks for the Memories'Jim MillerCindy MorrowApril 25, 2015 ( 2015-04-25)0.65976'Appleoosa's Most Wanted'Jim MillerMay 2, 2015 ( 2015-05-02)0.50987'Make New Friends but Keep Discord'Jim MillerNatasha LevingerMay 16, 2015 ( 2015-05-16)0.31998'The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone'Jim MillerMay 23, 2015 ( 2015-05-23)0.591009'Jim MillerM.A. LarsonJune 13, 2015 ( 2015-06-13)0.4310110'Princess Spike'Jim MillerStory by: Jayson Thiessen and Jim MillerTeleplay by: Neal DusedauJune 20, 2015 ( 2015-06-20)0.2610211'Party Pooped'Jim MillerStory by: Jayson Thiessen and Jim MillerTeleplay by: Nick ConfaloneJune 27, 2015 ( 2015-06-27)0.3710312'Amending Fences'Jim MillerM.A. LarsonJuly 4, 2015 ( 2015-07-04)0.2810413'Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?'

Jim MillerStory by: Jayson Thiessen and Jim MillerTeleplay by: Scott SonnebornJuly 11, 2015 ( 2015-07-11)0.4210514'Canterlot Boutique'Denny LuAmy Keating RogersSeptember 12, 2015 ( 2015-09-12)0.4310615'Rarity Investigates!' Denny LuStory by: Meghan McCarthy, M.A. Larson, Joanna Lewis and Kristine SongcoTeleplay by: Joanna Lewis and Kristine SongcoSeptember 19, 2015 ( 2015-09-19). Main article: No.overallNo.

InseasonTitleDirected byWritten byOriginal air dateUS viewers(millions)1181'The Crystalling' (Part 1)Denny Lu and Tim StubyJosh HaberMarch 26, 2016 ( 2016-03-26)0.381192'The Crystalling' (Part 2)Denny Lu and Tim StubyJosh HaberMarch 26, 2016 ( 2016-03-26)0.371203'The Gift of the Maud Pie'Denny Lu and Tim StubyStory by: Michael P. Fox, Wil Fox and Josh HaberTeleplay by: Michael P. Fox and Wil FoxApril 2, 2016 ( 2016-04-02)0.211214'On Your Marks'Denny Lu and Tim StubyStory by:Teleplay by: Josh Haber and Dave PolskyApril 9, 2016 ( 2016-04-09)0.301225'Gauntlet of Fire'Denny Lu and Tim StubyJoanna Lewis and Kristine SongcoApril 16, 2016 ( 2016-04-16). N/A13215'28 Pranks Later'Denny Lu and Tim StubyStory by: Meghan McCarthyTeleplay by: F.M. De MarcoAugust 13, 2016 ( 2016-08-13)0.2013316'The Times They Are a Changeling'Denny Lu and Tim StubyStory by: Kevin Burke, Michael Vogel andTeleplay by: Kevin Burke and Chris 'Doc' WyattAugust 20, 2016 ( 2016-08-20)0.2713417'Dungeons & Discords'Denny Lu and Tim StubyNick ConfaloneAugust 27, 2016 ( 2016-08-27)0.2813518'Buckball Season'Denny Lu and Tim StubyJennifer SkellySeptember 3, 2016 ( 2016-09-03).

N/A13821'Every Little Thing She Does'Denny Lu and Tim StubyMichael VogelSeptember 24, 2016 ( 2016-09-24)0.2113922'P.P.O.V. (Pony Point of View)'Denny Lu and Tim StubyStory by: Kevin Burke, Michael P. Fox, Wil Fox and Chris 'Doc' WyattTeleplay by: Michael P.

Fox and Wil FoxOctober 1, 2016 ( 2016-10-01)0.1914023'Where the Apple Lies'Denny Lu and Tim StubyStory by: Meghan McCarthy and Dave RappTeleplay by: Dave RappOctober 8, 2016 ( 2016-10-08)0.2714124'Top Bolt'Denny Lu and Tim StubyStory by: Joanna Lewis, Meghan McCarthy and Kristine SongcoTeleplay by: Joanna Lewis and Kristine SongcoOctober 15, 2016 ( 2016-10-15). Main article: No.overallNo. InseasonTitleDirected byWritten byOriginal air dateUS viewers(millions)1441'Celestial Advice'Denny Lu and Tim StubyJoanna Lewis and Kristine SongcoApril 15, 2017 ( 2017-04-15)0.251452'All Bottled Up'Denny Lu and Tim StubyJoanna Lewis and Kristine SongcoApril 15, 2017 ( 2017-04-15)0.211463'A Flurry of Emotions'Denny Lu and Tim StubySammie Crowley and Whitney WettaApril 22, 2017 ( 2017-04-22)0.221474'Rock Solid Friendship'Denny Lu and Tim StubyNick ConfaloneApril 29, 2017 ( 2017-04-29).

Main article: No.overallNo. InseasonTitleDirected byWritten byOriginal air date1701'School Daze' (Part 1)Denny Lu and Mike MyhreMichael Vogel andMarch 24, 2018 ( 2018-'School Daze' (Part 2)Denny Lu and Mike MyhreMichael Vogel and Nicole DubucMarch 24, 2018 ( 2018-'The Maud Couple'Denny Lu and Mike MyhreNick ConfaloneMarch 31, 2018 ( 2018-'Fake It 'Til You Make It'Denny Lu and Mike MyhreJosh HamiltonApril 7, 2018 ( 2018-'Grannies Gone Wild'Denny Lu and Mike MyhreGillian M. Main article:On February 17, 2018 at the, a ninth season was announced by Hasbro.

In a TV Kids Guide by, it was confirmed that season nine will have 26 episodes. At the following year's Toy Fair in New York, it was confirmed that this will be the final season of the series. It premiered on April 6, 2019. Among highlights include the series' 200th episode as well as the return of and as Cheese Sandwich and Quibble Pants, respectively. InseasonTitleDirected byWritten byOriginal air date1971'The Beginning of the End' (Part 1)Denny Lu and Mike MyhreJoanna Lewis and Kristine SongcoApril 6, 2019 ( 2019-'The Beginning of the End' (Part 2)Denny Lu and Mike MyhreJoanna Lewis and Kristine SongcoApril 6, 2019 ( 2019-'Uprooted'Denny Lu and Mike MyhreApril 13, 2019 ( 2019-'Sparkle's Seven'Denny Lu and Mike MyhreStory by:, andTeleplay by: Josh Haber and Nicole DubucApril 20, 2019 ( 2019-'The Point of No Return'Denny Lu and Mike MyhreGillian M. Main article: TitleDirected byWritten byOriginal air dateGillian ComerfordKim Beyer-JohnsonJune 29, 2019 ( 2019-06-29)In this double-length special, Rainbow Dash has been invited to a festival at Hope Hollow as a guest of honor.Animated shorts No.TitleWritten byStoryboarded byOriginal release date1'Rarity's Biggest Fan'Gillian M. The Voice of TV.

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