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Archer's Advantageprints out sight tapes in increments with unmatchedaccuracy. At last count, 30 current & former World Championsrely on Archer's Advantage software products for their sight settings.Line Spacing is selectable between 1, 2.5 & 5Yard/Meter Increments.The number of marks printed on your sight tapes will vary depending on your equipment setup. When possible, Archer’s Advantage prints sight tapes in 1 yard/meter increments. However, on all but the slowest bows some marks must be omitted to prevent marks from being printed on top of one another.The top mark printed on your sight tape will match the highest mark on your sight. If you have ever shot at distances significantly shorter than ten yards/meters you already know that your sight marks reverse direction when you shoot targets shorter than 10 to 12 yards/meters.Any range shot under the shortest range printed on your sight tape will have an equivalent mark on the sight tape.A conversion chart printed to the right of your sight tapes lists the equivalent mark for all ranges shorter than the shortest range printed on your sight tape.

For example, to shoot an Eight Foot shot you may have to set your sight for 64 yards. While it may seem silly to provide sight settings down to 6 feet, some novelty shoots require archers to shoot targets at or near this range.The two tapes in the middle of the page match your calculated Arrow Speed.

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The tapes to the left go down in 1 fps increments and the tapes to the right go up in 1 fps increments. If your arrow speed increases slightly or decreases slightly, select the appropriate tape from the available options.Over 30 World Championsrely on Archer's Advantage for their sight settings. The sight onthe right shows a typical Archer's Advantage Sight Tape while the sight onthe left shows a set of penciled in marks.Who do you think hasthe edge?