Gba Emulator For Psp 5.50 Gen-d
Gpsp Kai 3.2 Download
Description: MAME4ALL is a port of MAME 0.34 emulator by Nicola Salmoria based on the GP2X port for Playstation Portable (PSP). It emulates almost all arcade games supported by original MAME for DOS. This version emulates 1202 different romsets.
Install directions: - Copy in /PSP/GAME (firmware 1.5) or /PSP/GAME150 (firmware 1.5 compatibility for 3.xx OE release); - Recreate zipped roms with included ClrMame compatible.DAT files (v0.34-v0.36 mixed roms); - Add created zipped roms files in ROMs subfolder and samples in samples subfolder; Specific Features: - Based on latest GP2X MAME4All releases v4.7; - 480x272 full PSP Hires Support, now games with 320 orizz. And 240 vert.
I have yet to find a mame emulator that works. I use hires and when I want to play tmnt or fatal fury or unsqadron it justs blacks out and does nothing. However, I did find a hires that plays tmnt unsquadron an fatal fury but thats all that works. Don't ask me where I got it because I don' remember where i got it. The only problem is it has limited ram so most games won't work and limitid to 5 games, at least thats how it works for me.
I'm satisfide for now that unsquadron and tmnt fatal fury, though they play slow and choppy. And do't ask me for roms either! Google is your friend.