Download Stylus Studios
PURCHASE STYLUS STUDIO ONLINE TODAY!Get our award-winning XML development environment at value prices.Download Stylus Studioa free trial of our award-winning XML editor used by approximately two million XML developers. Our powerful XML Tools Suite and data integration components increase XML development productivity by simplifying the development and deployment of XML data integration applications.Download Data Integration SuiteStop struggling with heterogeneous data integration – XML, relational, EDI, legacy – The Data Integration Suite can handle it all. See for yourself! A trial copy of the Data Integration Suite today!More about Stylus Studio.
Database-to-XML MapperThe Database-to-XML mapper is a powerful visual tool for creating XML views of relational database data using SQL/XML technologies. The Database-to-XML Mapper enables you to easily connect to any relational database (SQL Server, DB/2, Oracle, Informix, SYBASE, and others), browse the database's tables and views. Once you've selected the database objects, Stylus Studio makes it easy to automatically generate the SQL/XML SELECT, INSERT and UPDATE statements to capture that relational data and render it as XML and write it back to the database. XSL EditorThe XSL editor includes a built-in XSL processor, but also works with any 3rd pary XSL processor, including Apache Xalan, Saxon, MSXML, Microsoft's System.XML (the offical XML API for the Microsot.NET framework), and any others for that matter. Some of the features include, intelligent XSL editing (Code sensing and Autocompletion for XSL elements), single click XSL transformations, a preview window, XSL template stack window, an XML input document document overview window, the ability to create and save associations of different XML files, stylesheets and processors to faciltate XSL stylesheet testing, etc. Document Type Definition EditorThe icons on the left margin alow you to create a new XML element definition, create a new attribute, create a modifier, create an element reference, add a #PCDATA, create a general entity, create a parameter entity, create a parameter entity reference, insert text, insert notation, or insert a comment.
A context menu alows you to click on the tree and perform operations on a selected DTD node such as move up/move down, rename, and so on. A Properties window (lower right) shows all of the associated properties of a selected node (name, type, restrictions, content type, default, and so on). Once completed, you can easily assign the DTD to an XML instance document for easy XML editing and validation. XML Schema ValidatorStylus Studio's advanced XML editor includes an integrated, open XML Schema Validation architecture that alows you to seamlessly check XML documents against an XML Schema using any XML Schema validator, including MSXML, XSD, Xerces-J, Xerces-C, XSV, and any others. Stylus Studio also includes powerful XML Schema-aware XML editing functionaity, such as an integrated output window with Backmapping that alows you to examine XML processing errors and jump to their location within the XML source document simply by clicking on the detailed error message.
In addition, Stylus Studio provides Sense:X, powerful XML schema-aware XML editing capabilities that reads a data model expressed in XML schema to provide code sensing, code completion and syntax coloring. Java IDEStylus Studio's includes an integrated Java IDE that lets you edit, compile and work with any Java file directly within Stylus Studio. XSL:FO EditorStylus Studio's powerful XSL Editor includes full support for editing of eXtensible Stylesheet Lanuguage Formatting Object stylesheets (XSL:FO Editing) as well as the ability to post-process any XML documents on the fly using popular using FO processors such as Apache FOP to create advanced document layouts expressed in style-rich file formats such as PDF, PostScript, etc.
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Stylus Studio's XSL:FO Editor includes support for including intelligent XSL:FO editing features, single click XSL:FO transformations, and an integrated PDF preview window. XSL DebuggerAllows you to take full control over every step of the XSL stylesheet transformation process allowing you to isolate, debug and eliminate the most tricky XSLT bugs.
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Stylus Studio's XSL stylesheet debugger supports setting of XSL breakpoints, incremental execution of XSL stylesheet code (step-in, step-out, step-over), an XSL Variables Window that displays all XSL Variable names & values evaluated against the current context, an XSLT call stack window, an Output Console Window (to report error messages from the XSL processor), and a powerful real-time, incremental XSL Output Preview Window that displays the XSL output tree as it is being constructed. XML Editor Key Features. XML Editor - Stylus Studio Professional Suite includes numerous synchronized, visual XML editing views, Sense:X (Intelligent XML Editing), Integrated XML Validator, XML differencing, and much more. XQuery Editor and XQuery Tools - The first and only XML development tool to support visual XQuery editing, XQuery mapping, and XQuery debugging.
XSLT Editor and XSLT Tools - Comprehensive XSLT development support, including XSLT editing, XSLT debugging, XSLT mapping, XSLT.