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Award for business excellence – Shanghai office Date: 06-Jan-2020BPCT Incorporation Shanghai, the overseas office of BIOplastics and CYCLERtest in China, received the 2019 Trustworthy business enterprise award. This award is annually conferred by the Shanghai business district government to the company with the highest level of professionalism, workmanship and client satisfaction.Companies are selected on the merits and strengths of criteria as product quality, reliability of the company through the years and customer service. The government also evaluates other areas of the business including - but not limited to - sales growth, tax payments, positive tax audits and business health picture.‘It’s a great honor to receive this award’ says Tom Hendrikx, CEO and owner of BPCT Incorporation China. ‘It recognizes our engagement to offer high quality plastics and calibration services for PCR and qPCR thermocyclers and doing honest business.
But above all it demonstrates the strengths of our extraordinary people and the Dutch and Chinese business ties. We will continue our efforts to provide top quality PCR and qPCR solutions in this way to strengthening our position in the Chinese market.’The award was presented by the Shanghai business district government to office manager Wendy Gao. Temperature calibration guide for (q)PCR thermocyclers Date: 02-Dec-2019Most (q)PCR optimizations are performed on DNA, primers and template variables. Yet, very little attention is paid to the effect plastics and thermocyclers have on the (q)PCR result. They are incorrectly considered to be constants in the PCR process.In this guide we illustrate different types of thermocycler variabilities and the impact they have on the (q)PCR results. We also give practical solutions on how to eliminate or control these variabilities.PracticalYou can easily use the data from the calibration certificates in practice.

We give examples on how to align and program thermocyclers to mimic each other. You also learn how to use calibration results for validation purposes.Complimentary guideDo you want to explore the full potential of CYCLERtest thermocycler calibration data?
Supply chain (e)quality Date: 14-Nov-2019We all want to enjoy a wonderful meal and drink a glass of tap water to quench our thirst without having to worry about safety. The same counts for the diagnosis we receive from a laboratory test.Therefore our commitment to quality is not restricted to our products and services. The highest standards are achieved when the entire supply chain focuses on quality, from manufacturers of thermal cyclers through distributors to end-users. End-users play the most important roll to ensure reliable (q)PCR results. After all: any lack of attention to reliability can have negative implications.All parties involved comply with certain regulations to combat problems, concentrating on preventing instead of curing them. In-tube or in-well thermal cycler calibration method Date: 03-Oct-2019During the 19th International Metrology Congress in Paris, CYCLERtest presented a comparison between an in-tube- and in-well thermal cycler calibration method. The study - performed with BIOplastics’ tubes - showed that it is feasible to develop an in-tube method with a low measurement uncertainty.
However, due to the large impact of the tube-to-well fit on the measurement uncertainty and the large variability between tubes, it is not practical to use in-tube methods for metrology purposes. An in-well thermal cycler calibration method is therefore the preferred option. Read all about the research in the abstract. CYCLERtest gained US Patent for Optical Calibration of qPCR cyclers Date: 03-Feb-2019CYCLERtest is proud to announce that its patent for the optical calibration of qPCR cyclers is now also granted in the USA.
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The US patent complements similar patents held by CYCLERtest in Europe and Japan.BreakthroughThe traceable Optical Calibration tool and service is ‘a major breakthrough for molecular diagnostics and life sciences’ according to CEO Tom Hendrikx. ‘With this advanced technique variables in qPCR are monitored, minimized and become controllable. This gives laboratories a better understanding of the qPCR process and enables them to expand its capabilities. This superior method with new developed hardware supersedes the, so far used, non traceable techniques as biological testing, crystal color changes and others!’CombinationThe innovative technique is based on the traceable calibration of temperature, optical detection and light of (q) PCR cyclers (excitation and emission). A truly unique method since these components are not only detected and generated separately but also in relationship to each other. By doing so, the performance of the real-time thermal cycler is monitored and calibrated like never before.About CYCLERtestCYCLERtest - a pioneer and global leader in ISO 17025 accredited (q)PCR cycler calibrations - is headquartered in The Netherlands and represented by qualified distributors worldwide. Its highly accurate calibration tools and services enable laboratories to monitor the performance of their thermo cyclers according to global quality requirements.
All in order to generate reproducible, trustworthy and technical valid (q)PCR results.InformationMore information about CYCLERtest can be found on numbers: US 10,022,694 Japan 6124903 Europe 2 581 728. ISO17025 accredited Calibration now also for Rotor-Gene® Date: 20-Aug-2013On site calibration for Qiagen® Rotor-Gene® systems models 6000 and Q Rotor-Genes under ISO17025 accreditation is added to our service portfolio. CYCLERtest, an ISO17025 accredited company calibrating (q)PCR cyclers, has designed and developed this new MTAS® hardware and software tool enabling Rotor-Gene® Calibration.This new wireless system consists of a 12 sensor-equipped 72 Rotor with incorporated RF communication hardware. The system and the service are ISO17025 calibrated and accredited. Service is available from September 1st, 2013 and can be combined with other (q)PCR cycler calibrations, regardless of brand or model of the cycler.All calibrations are under ISO17025 and comply to all regulations, including but not limited to GLP, GMP, ISO15189, ISO13485, CAP, EFI, CLIA, CPA, NY State, FDA, NFSCT, AAVLD, OECD, RiLiBAEK, Food Diagnostics and others.Click to request your on site Rotor-Gene® calibrationClick to request a calibration quoteDownload an example Calibration CertificateDownload CYCLERtest ISO17025 certificateDownload CYCLERtest ISO17025 calibration scope.
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Normalizing SOPs Date: 24-Jul-2009Many laboratories have SOP (Standard Operation Procedures) in place. Incorporation of new components in SOP’s are generally labor and time consuming. In the (q)PCR process, variables as cyclers, plastic disposables, kit components and work procedures are typically described and incorporated in SOP’s. Often different SOP’s in place for one application are used on several (different) cyclers. BIOplastics and CYCLERtest® have formulated a strategy which enables exclusion of the cycler as well as the used disposable variable.
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This strategy actually provides users the ability to normalyze their SOP. You can download the PDF in our download section.